We decided for a combination of relative many boys and just a few girls.

It is not our intrest to have as many litters per year as possible. We want to give our young cats a lot of attention. Furthermore, we want to select the buyers carefully. Therefore, we keep our boys at two families in two harmonious groups. This is really possible, without any fights. Visitors are welcome at any time.

This will be made possible by a space of approx. 150 sqm of inside- and outside rooms, which are available just for the toms; certainly including sufficient human contact.

We do not keep this number of toms to make money (our toms are not subject of stud service), but to have the possibility to ensure a large gene pool.

Usually, any breeding we make is unique, and will be repeated only in case of special exceptions.

A part of the rooms for the toms can be viewed by you at the site “CatsHome”-Photos.

Finally, we would like to mention, that our breeding is registered at the local authorities, and that we’ve got the allowance of the local authorities to breed with race cats.
